It varies from decimal in that precision decimal numbers carry not only a numeric value but also an arithmetic precision that is retained. 它与decimal不同,因为精度十进制数不仅包含一个数字值,而且保留了一个算法精度。
A experimental improvment of asynchronous decimal carry counter 异步十进制加法计数器的实验改进
This article introduce the method that change the normal decimal mechanical digital counter to the six carry mechanical digital counter that we use in horological structure under the fixed centre distance condition. 本文简述了在中心距不变的条件下,将通常的十进位机械式数字计数器改进为适合于钟表机构使用的六进位机械式数字计数器的方法。
Based on the decimal circuit which forms the N carry counter, this paper puts forward the idea of designing and constructing the N carry counter by using the binary circuit. 本文从十进制电路组成N进制计数器入手,提出了用二进制电路构成N进制计数器的设计思。
This paper analysis the errors of experimental circuit on a asynchronous decimal carry counter, introduces a typical circuit on a asynchronous decimal carry counter. 分析了一个异步十进制加法计数器实验电路的错误,介绍了异步十进制加法计数器典型电路。